Thursday, March 27

She is a "Mini-Me"...

Today at playgroup I had such an "Awwww" moment... you know the kind when your heart just fills up with love and you go all mushy on the inside and you just have to sigh and go "Awwww". Beth had been somewhat clingy on and off for most of playgroup... She would have moments where she would happily potter off by herself... finding toys... (or pots of glue used for the art and craft.. that was like a magnet for her... she wandered over to play with the glue several times!!!) And then there were moments when she would come running back to me and *fling* (and I really mean fling!) herself into my arms as if she was never going to see me again... Towards the end of playgroup though, she found a toy stroller with a baby doll in it and developed quite a relationship with the doll in the stroller... She started pushing it all around the hall... it was just the most adorable sight seeing Beth be a "little mother" and push the stroller around with the doll in it... *insert "Awwww" here*. She happily did that for ages too and gave me a chance to chat to one of the other mums. I also had a lovely chuckle today during the music and singing time at the end of playgroup. Beth decided to stand in the middle of the circle and bop up and down, dance and wave her arms madly in the air to all the nursery rhymes... She might be a mosh-er when she gets older if this keeps up... She normally just sits in my lap and listens intently during song time... but today she was outgoing and loving it...

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