Wednesday, March 19

First Good Pic from the New Camera

This was taken today... I actually did a photoshoot with Beth today in our bedroom where I thought there was better light (had to take out all the blockout fabric I've got hanging up to block out the morning light!), but damn it was hot up there (even though it wasn't even that hot today and I had the fan going... didn't want to turn the aircon on though because I had Beth topless). It was a rather interesting experience and didn't turn out anything like I had planned... (you will understand when you see the photos) and it didn't help that halfway through I got a CF card full message because I only put the 1GB card which had leftover photos on it, in instead of my 2GB card, so that just threw a whole spanner in the works. Anyway... the results of today's photoshoot will be put up over Easter when I have time to pp them.

Too tired to blog about what we did today... but it wasn't anything exciting...

On a separate note - Mitch, I'm hanging out for you to get your new lens! :)

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