Tuesday, January 4

PAD - January 4 - Imaginative Play

PAD - Jan 4 - Imaginative Play

(*all narrative that follows is courtesy of the 4 year old girl)

"Let me tell you a story Mum... We're having a Christmas Eve party and everybody is invited. We are going to travel to the party in the Christmas carriage (*cue Cinderella carriage to the right*)... and we need a tent (*cue wardrobe in the background*)... and everybody needs to sit around the campfire (*cue the wooden coffee table with the lamp*)... and now we are all cozy and warm and we need to sing happy birthday because it's Jesus' birthday... "

Gotta love 4 year old imaginations... it looks like a toy explosion but I love that she's combined all the little toy figurines she got for Christmas (wooden dolls, littlest pet shop, my little pony, polly pocket, cinderella, and sleeping beauty) and made them all part of the story...

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