Tuesday, January 25

PAD - January 25 - Camp Out

PAD - Jan 25 - Camp Out

Yesterday afternoon, Elizabeth came up with the idea to use her Sesame Street tent outside for a "camp out"... She decked it out with cushions and blankets and a couple of soft toy friends and even built a pretend fire after collecting some sticks in the yard. Phan, Catherine and I sat outside and had dinner while she frolicked in her tent... and then when it started getting late, we told her it was time to pack it up and go inside and she got *really* upset...

"But I want to camp outside when it gets dark and when the stars come out..." she sniffled between crying and lots of tears.

Not fancying her (or us) getting eaten alive by bugs (we are all mosquito/bug/insect magnets and tend to get bitten a lot!) We managed to convince her it would be better to camp inside (and can I mention it took *a lot* of convincing!)... So we set her tent up in her room and last night she slept in her tent. She is such a funny chicken... Being the dainty, delicate princess that she is, sleeping outdoors was the last thing I ever imagined she'd want to do!

So today's photo is what her bedroom looked like this morning... tent complete with campfire (that's those sticks at the front of her tent)... I can't believe she slept in it all night... it gets *REALLY* hot in there... but hey, that's what she wanted...

Thought I'd also share some of the photos of her playing in her tent outside yesterday before we made her go indoors.

Camp out

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