Friday, February 1

Tired girl...

It is currently 7:15am as I write this and Beth is still asleep! That is a massive sleep in for her... she must be tired from playgroup and figuring out how to walk... she only woke once at 12:30am last night because she had chucked her dummies out of the cot...

As a side note... Beth is fully weaned from the breast now... has been since a week before turning 14 months, I've just forgotten to mention it... My supply had just dropped a lot (the stress of moving probably was a contributing factor)... but it hasn't bothered Beth at all and she loves her bottle of milk (to the extent of chucking mini-tanties if she see it and doesn't get it straight away). While I sometimes miss that closeness of breastfeeding, mostly I'm happy that we've been able give it away without drama. She really isn't a baby any more... ... But she is turning into such a beautiful little girl... ...

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