Wednesday, April 6

Photo A Day - April 6 - Catherine the Monster

April 6 - Catherine the Monster

(It's a happy snap today, but the story is too cute not to share...)

The following happened in our loungeroom this morning...

{Elizabeth is playing in her Elmo tent}

E: "Agh... there's a monster... a monster... look out it's monster Catherine!"

C: *insert baby babble here*...
{she tries to get into the tent}

E: {trying to stop Catherine from getting in the tent}
"No... No... Catherine... You can't come in... Go away... Go away Catherine... Go away!"

C: {starts giggling and laughing in the most irresistable way at Elizabeth}

E: {lets Catherine into the tent}
Look Mum, Catherine's in the tent... I let her in.

The moral of the story... if you're a cute giggling monster, you'll get your way... :)

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