Sunday, April 10

Photo A Day - April 10 - The Sunhat

April 10 - The Sunhat

So after seeing our oh-so-beautiful photos from Sheye this weekend, it's left me feeling rather pathetic and inferior in my photographic ability... I can only stand from afar and admire her amazing talent and awesomeness... but I'm now inspired to challenge myself more and reach a new level in my photography.

So, today I decided to try and take some photos in the afternoon light at the park, we took a famiy stroll down to the park... Elizabeth on her bike (she's still terrible at steering!) and Catherine for the first time ever was happy to sit in her stroller and be pushed to the park. Once we got there, Elizabeth ran a riot, making Phan chase after her and play hide and seek... and I setup Catherine as my obliging model... :) I made myself use my 85mm today (I was somewhat inspired to use my prime more after seeing Phong's latest photos with his 135mm)... and I made myself shoot wide open at f/1.8... And I have to say, I'm pretty happy with what I got today...

Although, Catherine was none too impressed with the hat, and promptly refused to wear it after the first 5 minutes...

I don't want to wear the hat...

And then she got a bit bored, so I gave her a biscuit to eat -

Nom Nom Nom

Which she then mostly got all over her face and dropped all over the picnic blanket...

Biscuit Face

And I just wanted to share this one 'cos her lashes look sooo sweet and dreamy here -

Perfect Dreamy Lashes

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