Monday, May 31

Some Sleepy Sweetness...

Some Sleepy Sweetness

10 days old and doesn't she look sooo sweet? Photographing my lovely newborn girl turned out to be quite a experience... I've discovered it's quite hard work to get those lovely sleepy newborn photos... In between the sleepiness, there was quite a lot of awake/alertness... And of course a poo occured as well (lucky she was wearing a nappy at the time)... and when I cleaned her up, of course, she woke up! I don't know if she's an extra alert baby or if I'm just crap at handling babies and wake them up! Anyway, I got some cute shots, so stay tuned for those, but I'll be trying to do another shoot soon... I haven't got my newborn baby photography urges out of my system yet! :)

We also took Catherine to get weighed today. We left hospital at 2.95kg and today she weighed in at 3.07kg, so she's putting on weight and the jaundice is slowly fading as well... so I'm happy with how we're going... She's still feeding every 3-4 hours to flush out the jaundice (although the other night we got a 5 hour stretch from 2am - 7am)... Catherine is a great little feeder... She's caught onto the whole breastfeeding thing a lot faster than her sister... but that may also be related to the fact my milk started coming in on day 2 compared to day 6 with Elizabeth... I had a few days of severely uncomfortable engorgement (to the point that I was having trouble sleeping because of the pain! Thank God for cabbage leaves is all I can say!), but the milk has settled down and all is good now. Catherine is a great sleeper during the day

Elizabeth has also been much, much more affectionate towards Catherine... to the point that today she said to me... "Mum, I need to look at Catherine... I like Catherine."... She loves looking at her and holding her hand and last night she held Catherine (with some assistance from me) for the first time... She also keeps trying to show her things (like her paintings, her toys, her freshly painted fingernails courtesy of Bac Bao Anh)... it's so endearing to see...

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Oh Clara she is beautiful!