Thursday, October 30


Okay... this is the latest catchcry of the household... Beth used to call me "mumma" or "mumum"... but now it's "Mummm-eeeeeeeee"... it's adorable... I love hearing her call me that...

Beth now also recognises me, phan, herself and ong ba noi in photos... when we look through the photobooks, I'll point to a person and ask who they are and she will tell me... when you point to a photo of her she says "Meeeee!"... makes me laugh!

And if you ask her "What's your name?" she proudly pats her chest and says "Beth".

She also loves playing chasey in the backyard and will stand there calling out "Chaaaase... Chaaaaase" until I run after her and chase her... Very tiring work... I was ready to call it quit after 10 minutes

Okay... I'm flying solo for a few days while Phan is in Japan on a training course, so I better get some zzzs...

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