Saturday, September 19

Summer Days Are Coming...

Summer Days Are Coming...

I know we're only a few weeks into spring, but the weather here has just been absolutely gorgeous and so beautiful... I feel like summer is just around the corner. So here's our silly girl, enjoying some of this beautiful weather ...

Also, for the benefit of those who aren't on Facebook and don't see my status updates (Emmi!), Beth had 2 classic quotes today -

Quote of the Day Number 1 - Beth was eating bread and sausage for lunch and decided to open her mouth to show me the masticated food in there and followed it up with "I gross"... classy..

Quote of the Day Number 2 - Beth accidentally kicks me in the stomach, I yelp out in pain, then ask her "What do you say when you hurt somebody?" and she says... "Danger Danger Velociraptor!"... nutty child...

1 comment:

Emily said...

Love the photo and love the quotes of the day....The "I gross" quote made me think her 'massive booger' moment - the girl is all class. :-)