Thursday, June 10

Some more adorable-ness... *sigh*


I love a sleeping baby...

I started feeling slightly under the weather yesterday... head-achey, and I had that flu-like achiness in my legs which made them a bit shakey... Some panadol had me feeling better and I went to bed early and expected Phan to wake me around 1-2am, but he ended up giving Catherine 2 feeds with expressed breastmilk and looking after her until 5am (he is so wonderful!), so I got a really great sleep and the extra rest made me feel so much better... I actually woke up just before 5am and had to go and express some milk because I felt like I was going to explode since it had been 7 hours between feeds for me! I gave Catherine a feed, and then she half dozed in and out of sleep and then at 6:30am, Elizabeth woke up and came in for a cuddle with me for half an hour before we got up and started out day.

Today Elizabeth went to kindy happily for the first time in a few weeks... With all the adjustments to being a big sister it was understandable... but today, she was quite amicable to the idea of going to kindy (she didn't once say "I don't want to go to kindy", which has been somewhat of a catch-cry on kindy mornings for the last couple of months)... and she even agreeably wore a cardigan... Elizabeth has been quite opposed to the idea of wearing warm clothing with the weather becoming cooler... It's been a struggle to get her to wear pants, long sleeves, jumpers or cardigans... She always wants to wear dresses... so we've been compromising lately by wearing dresses with long sleeved tops and leggings underneath... so a cardigan is a huge step! When I was getting ready to leave her at kindy, Elizabeth came over and gave me a hug and then said "And after afternoon tea, Mummy and Catherine will come and pick me up!"... I love that she includes Catherine in everything now...

After I dropped Elizabeth off, I went and took Catherine to be weighed... so last time she weighed in at 3.07kg... and today, 10 days later she's now 3.51kg, so I'm very pleased with her progress... I'm bare-weighing her too (as in no clothes or nappy, which Catherine is not too thrilled about!) I remember Elizabeth putting on weight really rapidly too in the early days...

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