Monday, June 21

One Month Today

Almost 1 month..

My goodness! Where has the last month gone?! Catherine is one month and she is already so different from the itty bitty newborn we brought home 4 weeks ago... It's strange how before she arrived, I had trouble imagining what life would be like with another child in the family ... I worried about going back to the newborn phase, the sleep deprivation... I worried about how Elizabeth would handle having a sister... I worried about dividing my attention between two children and felt guilty that Elizabeth would no longer be the center of our world... I wondered if I could love another child as much as I love my first born.... Ah, motherhood... it's full of worries... but the worries are balanced out with things that make it all worthwhile... the joy of bringing a new life into the world - enjoying all the cute little newborn things that I'd forgotten... the funny noises, the cute cries, the unintentional smiles when they are full of wind.... then watching Elizabeth realise and understand that babies are not that scary after all and can be fun... And I discovered that as much as I loved Elizabeth with my whole heart, I found that my heart just made more room so that I could love Catherine equally as much as Elizabeth...

Now that Catherine's here, it just feels so natural and I can't imagine life without her...

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