Monday, March 29


Cuddles For Peter Rabbit

I now finally know what it's like to have a child who gives cuddles, kisses and hugs... Beth's never really been into any of these things (despite enjoying being on the receiving end of all three of these things!)... but in the last couple of months and esp the last couple of days she's become a really cuddly child... She cuddles a different toy to sleep every night... and in the middle of dinner last night she just wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me and gave me loooong smoooch kisses for a few minutes for no reason... She even makes her soft toys give me kisses... And last night after I tucked her into bed and was about to leave she said to me "Give me a hug, Mummy"... and I got a great big cuddle and kiss back in return.... I'm loving that I'm finally getting to experience this affectionate side of her...

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