Thursday, January 1

Some Kids Are Just Naturally Cool...

Some kids are just naturally cool...

Beth has all of sudden started becoming a bit of an "accessories" kind of girl... 6 months ago... well, even one month ago, I would never have had a chance to get a photo of her like this with as she'd have lasted 10 seconds with the helmet and sunglasses before ripping them off. After spending most of this year tugging on her hat to pull it off, pulling off her sunglasses 5 seconds after she'd put it on, not liking the fairy wings she wore to Emily's bday party in Feb last year... Suddenly overnight, she loves wearing her hat (and loves wearing her "helmie" when she's riding her bike), she will wear sunglasses for extended periods of time (like for the entire duration of mass last Sunday!) and even wear her sunglasses upside down. Yesterday she rediscovered her fairy wings and thought she was very "pretty" and refused to take them off. She also loves her shoes (but she's always loved shooes)... and has particularly taken a fancy to the two new pairs of shoes she for Christmas.

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