Tuesday, September 7

Photo A Day September - Day 7 - Planting Weeds

Photo A Day September - Day 7 - Planting Weeds...

Today's photo is not interesting in any creative or technical sense... but there is a cute little story behind it...

It was a beautiful day today, the sun was out and the sky was gloriously blue.... so we decided to spend sometime outside... we were blowing bubbles together (Elizabeth's latest favourite past time) when Catherine got hungry, so I went inside to feed her... Elizabeth stayed outside and a few minutes later, she pottered in holding one of those yellow weed flowers...

"Mum, I've got a present for you... Look, it's a beautiful flower."
"Oh, yes, it is beautiful... thank you very much."
"I'm going to keep it for you... I'm going to plant it in my garden."

So off she went to replant the weed flower she had just picked in her garden pots that Ba Noi had set up for her when last visited...

And then she wandered off again and found another weed flower and planted that... She was so pleased with herself.

Not sure how she's going to react when she finds them wilted tomorrow though... I think I'm going to have to do some explaining about the concept of plants and roots...

On a separate note, we've made it to 7 days in the photo-a-day challenge! One week! Yee haa! To everyone playing along with this challenge, keep it up... we're all doing so well!

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