Sunday, September 5

Photo A Day September - Day 5 - Proud Daddy (With Bed Hair)

Photo A Day September - Day 5 - Proud Daddy (With Bed Hair)

First Father's Day for Phan as a daddy to two little girls... We all got a sleep-in until 8:15am this morning and then we gave Daddy his presents... we got him 2 books to read to the girls ("Me and My Dad" and "I Love My Daddy") and a new Argentina soccer jersey (the one he currently has is beginning to fall apart, but he's had it for more than 10 years!) and Elizabeth made him something special at kindy:

Father's Day 2010 - A Present Made At Kindy

I should make a mention, that the jumpsuit that Catherine is wearing which says "I Love Daddy" was actually unintentional - at 3:30am this morning after her feed, she did a *massive* vomit (unusual for her!) that got all her clothes (and Phan!) and that was the only clean short sleeved jumpsuit I could find... but it's actually perfect for today... Maybe Catherine knew she wanted to wear it, and that's why she threw up...

Happy Father's Day to our Dad's and to all the daddy's out there... hope you all have a wonderful day!

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