Thursday, September 30

Photo A Day September - Day 30 - The End of One Journey, The Start Of Another

Photo A Day September - Day 30 - The End of One Journey, The Start Of Another

Well, I made it to the end of the month with the photo-a-day... And I have to say, I really enjoyed it and I didn't struggle anywhere near as much as I did when I did photo-a-day in January... (I found doing this project with a baby is much easier than doing this project whilst pregnant!)

So as this photographic journey comes to a close, I will be starting a new little project in the next couple of weeks - the Canon Photo5 competition... I've been awaiting this elusive box for a good few weeks and it finally arrived today! Hoooooooray! Ironically, I was getting sick of waiting for the box and actually went out today and bought some confetti and incense (which I will be using anyway - the amount they give you in the box is pathetic...)... Time to get my thinking cap on in a different way... I registered to do photo5 last year, but discovered I was pregnant with Catherine and well, the first trimester pretty much sucked all the energy, creativity and motiviation out of me... so I'm looking forward to giving it a good go this year!

For those who've followed my photos throughout the last month - I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed taking the photos... To those who accompanied me on the journey and lasted the whole month (Phong and Ty!)... well done!... You guys are stars!!!! To those who started the journey and fell off the wagon at some point (I'm talking to you Thao, Mitch, Bao and Em!)... I'll be roping you in again when we do the challenge again sometime (probably in the new year)... :)

Wednesday, September 29

Photo A Day September - Day 29 - Yellow

Photo A Day September - Day 29 - Yellow

A petunia from Elizabeth's flower garden...

(Was going to take a photo of the girls together this afternoon, but they both decided to have huge 2 hour afternoon naps!!!)

Tuesday, September 28

Photo A Day September - Day 28 - Does This Oversized Flower Headband Suit Me?

Photo A Day September - Day 28 - Does This Oversized Flower Headband Suit Me?

I actually bought this headband the other day from Cotton On Kids as a dressup prop for Elizabeth but discovered it also fits Catherine... what do you think?

Monday, September 27

Photo A Day September - Day 27 - First Proper Haircut

Photo A Day September - Day 27 - First Proper Haircut

I took Elizabeth to the hairdresser for the first time ever... To date, I've just muddled around doing dodgy little trims a few times myself, but I finally decided to bite the bullet and get her a proper cut done for her... I don't know why I haven't done it sooner... Maybe because she just had so little hair that I didn't think it was worth it... Maybe because I thought it was going to be expensive... which in hindsight was really dumb because her haircut came to a grand total of $7.50... LOL... bargain!

I told Elizabeth last night that I was going to take her to the hairdresser and she was so excited! The first thing she said to both me and Phan (separately) this morning was "Mum/Dad... my hair is getting long... I need to go to the hairdresser..."... LOL. And then all morning she kept periodically asking when we were going to go to the hairdresser (our appointment wasn't until 12:30pm)

I took her to the same hairdresser that I go to... Her name is Allyce and she is just great... and fantastic value... The girls at the salon were so good with Elizabeth... They had a special little kids cape thing for her to wear to stop the hair falling on her (I don't know what that thing is called!) and the apprentice gave her a fairy stamp on each hand and they have a special little high kids chair for her to sit in... Elizabeth sat so very still during the whole thing... She just loved having her hair done... and couldn't wait to show Daddy when he got home from work! :) So now she's sporting a little fringe and the length is pretty much the same, but is actually even and all one length... :)

And just a few extra shots:

Side view:

Side view of haircut

And I took a few snaps with my point and shoot while we were at the hairdresser:

First Time At The Hairdresser

Sunday, September 26

More Awesome Artwork

More Awesome Artwork

Just wanted to share a few more paintings/drawings that our artist in residence has created... I'm really loving her artwork at the momnet... The butterfly was drawn this afternoon... She actually used her finger to make a print for the head and body and thought that idea up all by herself! And our family drawn as dogs - that big dog in the middle is me, with Catherine on my back and the dog to the left is Daddy dog and to the right is Elizabeth dog... Also notice how Daddy and Mummy dog both have glasses? LOL... she's so observant...

Photo A Day September - Day 26 - Bubbles in Motion

Photo A Day September - Day 26 - Bubbles In Motion

We're a little bubble obsessed here at the moment... we go outside and play bubbles at least twice a day (often more)...

Saturday, September 25

Quirky . Eccentric . Princess

Quirky Eccentric Princess

My sister took this hilarious series of photos using my camera while she was here visiting... Elizabeth was just hamming it up and being so funny for Emmi... I just realised I could have captioned these photos from left to right as:

Cyclops - The Moustache - The Hippy - The Princess

These photos really just capture her at her quirky best... Elizabeth just being herself!

Photo Day September - Day 25 - Nature's Diamonds

Photo A Day September - Day 25 - Nature's Diamonds

It rained a lot last night, so this morning the grass was speckled with little diamond like raindrops... Nature's beauty glistening in the morning light...

Also, I was tired from a very up and down night with Catherine (who is going through some crazy super hungry feeding phase at the moment and wanting to feed every 2-3 hours day and night!), so didn't feel like chasing either the girls for a photo...

Friday, September 24

Photo A Day September - Day 24 - In The Big Big Bath

Photo A Day September - Day 24 - In the Big Big Bath

(Excuse the quality of this photo... it's fine on my computer, but flickr has decided to do something weird to it and I can't figure out how to fix it!)

Well, our baby girl has outgrown the baby bathtub... We actually started bathing her in the big bath last Thursday, but this is the first time I've taken photos of her in the big bath... She looked so huge in the baby bathtub, she couldn't fully stretch out in it anymore... But she looks soooo tiny in the big bath! She loves bathtime... just like her sister... she will happily lie in there and chat and talk and smile the whole time and kick and wriggle around a bit too... Her latest obsession is sucking on her hand... so I thought I'd share a couple of extra pics too -

Bath Time II

Bath Time I

And for those not on facebook, more evidence that our baby girl is growing and learning stuff so fast, today she learnt to roll from her front to her back! Check out this video footage (which also features a funny little cameo performance from Elizabeth too):

She actually rolled over 3 times before I grabbed my camera and started video-ing, so I was impressed she managed to do it another 3 times... obviously it's hard work as seen by the yawn at the end of the clip.... LOL... Elizabeth didn't learn to roll over until she was 4.5 months... I think I'm going to have to watch out.. They say the 2nd child picks up things quicker 'cos they copy their sibling and I do think that is definitely the case with these two!

Thursday, September 23

Photo A Day September - Day 23 - An Encounter With Rosie The Hedgehog

Photo A Day September - Day 23 - An Encounter With Rosie The Hedgehog

I have a sneaking suspicion that Catherine may already be starting to teethe already... She has started to drooooool a lot... Loves sucking on her hand... tries to put things in her mouth... If she happens to be holding your finger, she's likely to starting trying to eat it! Of course this could all be part of the 4 month milestone stuff she's going through as well, but I think I'm feeling and seeing the start of a bottom tooth coming through... (Phan thinks it's all in my head though... we'll wait and see, I guess)

So today I captured Catherine trying to munch on Rosie the Hedgehog (who previously belonged to Elizabeth...) She wasn't too impressed by the texture of Rosie's nose in her mouth, but she did seem to like to hold and play with Rosie for a while.

Chu Phong also went home this afternoon... It's been a fun few days with him around... Elizabeth has loved harrassing him into blowing bubbles, playing hide and seek, racing games, pretend sitting at the beach and dress-ups in the backyard... I think she's worn him out! Also, would you believe we're sick again... Started with me getting a flu-type thing on Monday night and yesterday Phan and Elizabeth caught it from me too... She had a high fever last night, and mild one today but that didn't slow her down in the least... She obviously wanted to capitalise on her last play session with Chu Phong... I'm seriously over this winter season... It's been a terrible year for us illness-wise... most of the time either me or Elizabeth have got some kind of a bug... Just hoping and praying Catherine can stay well enough so I can take her to go and get her 4 month shots next Tuesday... Bring on summer so we can stop being sick!!!

Wednesday, September 22

Photo Day September - Day 22 - Copycat Hairdos

Photo A Day September - Day 22 - Copycat Hairdos

Catherine chillin' with her Chu Phong and sporting a copycat hairdo... :)

Tuesday, September 21

Happy 4 Months Beautiful Catherine

Happy 4 Months Beautiful Catherine

4 months today! Blink and you'll miss it...

Credit to Phong for the awesome photo... I love it!

Photo A Day September - Day 21 - Gallery of Art

Photo A Day September - Day 21 - Gallery of Art

Just some artwork that Elizabeth has created over the last week... she's really starting to paint and draw things that actual resemble real things! She's also discovered the joys of using different colours... she used to paint or colour things all in one shade/colour and it all looked rather drab, but now her paintings are so much more lively!

Monday, September 20

Photo A Day September - Day 20 - Ladybugs Like Rain

Photo A Day September - Day 20 - Ladybugs Like Rain

It's a grey, dreary, overcast, rainy day here in Brisbane today... And what better way to brighten up the day than with a ladybug umbrella and gumboots... :)

Sunday, September 19

Lots of Bubbles

Lots of Bubbles

Phan took this series of photos this morning... he's rather chuffed with himself... :) and he did it with the 85mm too (which is my most seriously under utilized lens at the moment) And I do think they are a really cute capture... esp that middle photo... that big bubble is really cool!

Photo A Day September - Day 19 - Fun Times With Chu Phong

Photo A Day September - Day 19 - Fun Times With Chu Phong

After a series of rather unfortunate delays, which involved a cancelled late night flight, a replaced flight on Saturday travelling via Sydney and a delayed Sydney to Brisbane leg, Chu Phong finally arrived here in Brisbane yesterday afternoon... YAAAAAAAAY!

Captured these candid moments of Phong and Elizabeth this afternoon... Overcast and fading light, but we had fun and the moments were funny... and that last photo of Elizabeth checking out the back of the camera is just *soooo* typical of what she is like when we are taking photos... she ALWAYS wants to take a look at the preview screen at the photos you have taken!

Saturday, September 18

Photo A Day September - Day 18 - Picking Flowers

Photo A Day September - Day 18 - Picking Flowers

I thought it was about time I got some more photos of Elizabeth... She's so grown up these days... and is closer to being 4 years old than 3.5 now... [!] Part of being being grown up is the attitude that comes along with it... Sometimes it's amusing... and sometimes it's just darn annoying! Like today, I asked her to pose a certain way for me a few times, a couple of times she obliged... the other 95% of the time she ran away and hid in the clothes hanging on the clothesline, or did some weird random pose (see the top right hand photo as an example!)... But amongst it all, I did manage to capture some lovely natural shots of her being herself... (I'd partially forgotten how hard it is to take a photo of a moving child... Catherine is at such a perfect age for photos since she can't run away from me yet!) Here are just 3, but I have a few more I'll need to share later...

Friday, September 17

Photo A Day September - Day 17 - Sweet Little Baby Feet

Photo A Day September - Day 17 - Sweet Little Baby Feet

I am still really loving my macro at the moment... I remember trying to get a photo of Elizabeth's feet when she was little... well, except that she was actual crawling and mobile when I tried to get the photo, which pretty much made it impossible, so I ended up with a dodgy shot of her bottom and feet crawling away from me!... So I learnt my lesson and knew I had to attempt to get this shot while Catherine wasn't mobile yet! Although, that said, she was kicking her feet and wriggling about excessively (in a happy way), so it was still pretty hard to get a decent shot, but we got there in the end!

Thursday, September 16

Photo A Day September - Day 16 - Meet Sophie The Giraffe

Photo A Day September - Day 16 - Sophie The Giraffe

Sophie is a friend given to Catherine by none other than our dear friend Thao... her boy Sebbie has a matching one too... I love Sophie... she makes the bestest squeaking sound...

Catherine and I are having a lovely slow day here at home today... She's been doing this new routine at night for the past 3 nights where she goes from 7pm-2am and wakes up *starving* at 2am... then a couple of hours later at 4am, she wakes up *starving* again... and then again another couple of hours later at 6-6:30am she wakes up *starving* again and after that feed is ready to start the day! The extra waking for a feed is starting to wear me out a bit, so I grabbed 1.5 hour sleep (broken up in 30 minute periods) this morning while Catherine napped and I'm feeling a whole lot better...

Wednesday, September 15

Photo A Day September - Day 15 - She May Be Sick, But She's Still Cute

Photo A Day September - Day 15 - She May Be Sick, But She's Still Cute

Considering there has been at least one sick person in this household ever since Catherine was born, we've had a pretty good run with Catherine not getting sick until now... She caught the latest cold that Elizabeth and I had last week and has had a bit of a runny nose and a hacky cough since Saturday ... she's still been a pretty happy chappy all things considered though... She's a trooper...

I'm also loving my macro lens at the moment.. this photo was taken using it... the sharpness I get is fantastic and I'm getting used to the slow(er) focusing to start using it more for portraits... It's about time I started using my macro more... Although I should probably break out my 85mm some time soon too...

Tuesday, September 14

Photo A Day September - Day 14 - A Visit From A Ladybug

Photo A Day September - Day 14 - A Visit From A Ladybug

This morning I was hanging out the laundry with Elizabeth helping me when she noticed some flowers (okay, they are those scrawny yellow weeds, but she loves them) and there nestled amongst the greenery was this little ladybug... Elizabeth was sooo excited to see a real life ladybug - "Mum, I like ladybugs... Can we take a photo?"

So, I grabbed my camera, put on the macro and this is how the ladybug became my subject for Day 14 of Photo A Day... :) As usual, Elizabeth asked to "have a look" once I'd taken a photo and when I showed her the photo she said to me "But Mum, I can't see me... "... LOL... she wanted to be in the photo with the ladybug... I had to explain the ladybug was a bit small and it was a bit hard to take a photo with her and the ladybug... so instead we compromised and I took the following photo, which is Elizabeth waving hello to the ladybug... :)

Saying hello to a ladybug

Monday, September 13

Oh So Snuggly

Oh So Snuggly

One of the great things about having my sister come and visit was that she used her photographic talent to capture some photos of me with Catherine... (Thanks Em!) As much as I love being on the other-side of the camera taking photos, I also love being a part of the memories captured in images... It's all to easy for us mums to be left out completely from the photos and to make excuses about not looking our best/having a bad hair day/needing to lose weight yada yada, but in 20 years time, I want my girls to be able to look back on photos and know what I actually looked like and see much I loved them... I'm sure they won't care that I was having a bad hair day or that I was carrying a little extra weight...

This is Catherine in her Peanut Shell sling... I wanted to get some photos of her in it because she absolutely adores it... She's just feels so snug when she's in it and she's guaranteed to settle and fall asleep in it... I love wearing it when we go out for lunch/dinner or for a coffee or even for a quick trip shopping as it gives me both hands free to eat/drink or hold Elizabeth's hand... Best $50 I have spent!

Photo a Day September - Day 13 - The Beholder

Photo A Day September - Day 13 - The Beholder

The weekend has been and gone... way too quick... we just loved having my sister come to visit - lots of playing and cuddles with the auntie and when the little ones had gone to bed, lots of photography chit chat for us... it's great being able to talk photography with someone... Also great having a model that can stay still... :)

Sunday, September 12

Photo A Day September - Day 12 - The Hippy Tree Huggers

Photo A Day September - Day 12 - The Hippy Tree Huggers

We had another go at getting some more "sisterly" shots today and we both love this shot of us... Em heads back to Adelaide tomorrow afternoon, can't believe how fast this weekend has gone!

Saturday, September 11

Photo A Day September - Day 11 - Loving The Light

Photo A Day September - Day 11 - Loving The Light

Having so much fun with my sister visiting us this weekend... We've realised that we hardly have any photos of us as adults together, so we trekked out with my camera, tripod and remote to try and find some gorgeous light and to explore our creativity... Hoping we get the chance to try again tomorrow afternoon, because we ran out of light just as we starting to hit our groove...

Friday, September 10

Photo A Day September - Day 10 - Two Cheeky Monkeys

Photo A Day September - Day 10 - 2 Cheeky Monkeys

Took a few photos today, so here's a quick one... been too busy gasbagging with my sister to do much else... :)

Thursday, September 9

Photo A Day September - Day 9 - Beauty in Pairs

Photo A Day September - Day 9 - Beauty in Pairs

Was going to photograph the little girl this afternoon, but she decided to have an uncharacteristic 2 hr nap!!! So went outside and captured this instead... Should mention it was really windy, so it's doubly impressive that I managed a sharp & in-focus shot!

Wednesday, September 8

Photo A Day September - Day 8 - Friends Are Like Flowers

Photo A Day September - Day 8 - Friends Are Like Flowers

Friends are like flowers, beautiful flowers;
Friends are like flowers in the garden of life

I received a lovely bunch of roses from Vicky, Claire and Amy this morning at swimming as a belated birthday present... so beautiful and so thoughtful.

Tuesday, September 7

Look at meeeeeeee.....

I can hold my head up

Damn, I wish I hadn't already posted my photo a day already... but I'll post this anyway!

It's funny how much more chilled out you are second time round as a mum... I used to be obsessed with giving Elizabeth tummy time when she was little, but this time around it hasn't seemed as much of a priority with Catherine (also, tricky given Catherine can be a bit spew-y, so I have to time tummy time when it's not after a feed). Despite that, her head control is developing nicely I think... I think 'cos she spends half her time looking around for her sister! I put Catherine onto her tummy just before her bath tonight and she was holding it up pretty well for a couple of minutes and she was pretty happy, so I managed to snap these cute little shots of her...

Photo A Day September - Day 7 - Planting Weeds

Photo A Day September - Day 7 - Planting Weeds...

Today's photo is not interesting in any creative or technical sense... but there is a cute little story behind it...

It was a beautiful day today, the sun was out and the sky was gloriously blue.... so we decided to spend sometime outside... we were blowing bubbles together (Elizabeth's latest favourite past time) when Catherine got hungry, so I went inside to feed her... Elizabeth stayed outside and a few minutes later, she pottered in holding one of those yellow weed flowers...

"Mum, I've got a present for you... Look, it's a beautiful flower."
"Oh, yes, it is beautiful... thank you very much."
"I'm going to keep it for you... I'm going to plant it in my garden."

So off she went to replant the weed flower she had just picked in her garden pots that Ba Noi had set up for her when last visited...

And then she wandered off again and found another weed flower and planted that... She was so pleased with herself.

Not sure how she's going to react when she finds them wilted tomorrow though... I think I'm going to have to do some explaining about the concept of plants and roots...

On a separate note, we've made it to 7 days in the photo-a-day challenge! One week! Yee haa! To everyone playing along with this challenge, keep it up... we're all doing so well!

Monday, September 6

Photo A Day September - Day 6 - Catherine Incognito

Catherine Incognito

Elizabeth fell asleep in the car on the way home from me having a chest xray (nothing major, just a persisten cough) and having lunch with Daddy, so I grabbed the opportunity while she was asleep to take this series of photos of the little girl, which I've been wanting to do for a while... I love Catherine's hair... there's so much of it and it's such a talking point with people... I especially love playing with it after her bath and have developed all these funny hairstyles for her (which never last long... it always goes back to going all sticky-uppy)... Unfortunately, all these hairstyles are boy hairstyles though... but that's okay... we all know she really is a girl...

Sunday, September 5

Playing Doctors

Playing Doctors

As I was having a nap this afternoon, Phan captured this cute little series of photos of Elizabeth and Catherine playing doctors... :)

Photo A Day September - Day 5 - Proud Daddy (With Bed Hair)

Photo A Day September - Day 5 - Proud Daddy (With Bed Hair)

First Father's Day for Phan as a daddy to two little girls... We all got a sleep-in until 8:15am this morning and then we gave Daddy his presents... we got him 2 books to read to the girls ("Me and My Dad" and "I Love My Daddy") and a new Argentina soccer jersey (the one he currently has is beginning to fall apart, but he's had it for more than 10 years!) and Elizabeth made him something special at kindy:

Father's Day 2010 - A Present Made At Kindy

I should make a mention, that the jumpsuit that Catherine is wearing which says "I Love Daddy" was actually unintentional - at 3:30am this morning after her feed, she did a *massive* vomit (unusual for her!) that got all her clothes (and Phan!) and that was the only clean short sleeved jumpsuit I could find... but it's actually perfect for today... Maybe Catherine knew she wanted to wear it, and that's why she threw up...

Happy Father's Day to our Dad's and to all the daddy's out there... hope you all have a wonderful day!

Saturday, September 4

Photo A Day September - Day 4 - Sooky Sooky La La

Photo A Day September - Day 4 - Sooky Sooky La La

The big girl was a bit of a grump this afternoon... She's sick... she's tired... and it was all too hard. You know she's out of sorts when you pull out the camera and she lies there and stares at you with those brooding eyes, instead of pulling silly faces. And she lay there motionless instead of yelling out "Can I have a look?" the minute I'd taken a photo and trying to clamber all over me trying to see the viewfinder on the camera...

Nothing that cuddle and half an hour of alone time didn't fix though... she's fine now... :)

Oh and after our terrible day yesterday, last night was *muuuuuuch* better... Catherine decided to ease up a little in the hungry stakes - woke up for a feed at midnight and 4am and was easy to resettle back to bed... and she slept in 'til 9:10am this morning, only stirring for a couple minutes at 6:30am! So we all had a lovely sleep in (I went and had a cuddle in Elizabeth's bed at 6:30am and we ended up sleeping 'til 8am). Obviously yesterday wore all of us out!

Friday, September 3

Photo A Day September - Day 3 - Time For A Break

Photo A Day September - Day 3 - Time For A Break

We've been having one of those days... it started with a terrible night with the little girl feeding 3-4 hourly during the night and then having a 1 hour grumpy spell between 2am-3am... compounded with the big girl being sick with a horrible cough ... she kept waking up for no particular reason... I had to go attend to her about 6 times in the night...

So on the back of the sleep deprivation, today has just been a trying day all round... I swear Catherine is acting like she's going through a wonder week again with the frequent feeding and resisting sleeping in the cot... And Elizabeth has just been sick and a bit of a sook herself...

Nothing like some tea and a chocolate-y sugar hit to get you through the day... Roll on bedtime...

Thursday, September 2

Photo A Day September - Day 2 (Part 2) - Baked With Love


A few weeks ago Elizabeth watched an episode of Elmo's World where a little boy and his dad baked a cake for his mum's birthday... Which led Elizabeth to ask Phan if she could bake a cake with him for me... LOL... too cute, and really quite hilarious, because if you know Phan, while he's great at doing a great many things... cooking and baking is not his forte... (Actually, I'll hedge a guess he's never baked a cake in his life actually... his idea of making a cake involves buying a premade one and then whipping cream and filling the cake with it)... so Phan told Elizabeth that it would be my birthday in a few weeks and they would bake a cake for me then... So since then, every week Elizabeth has been asking when she and Daddy would be baking cake for me...

Today is the day... :) And they made this cake based on the recipe from here. It didn't look anything like the photo because the cream cheese topping sank (but I reckon there's an error in the recipe, because other people had the same trouble judging by the review of the recipe, which I only just read now!)... but regardless it tasted delicious!!! Pretty good for Phan's first effort... although, it was rather hilarious watching him and Elizabeth make it, and I did have to help out with the odd piece of advice here and there... but they made it all by themselves... Elizabeth was very proud of the cake ("It's the best cake I've ever had Mum!") And btw - I'm not actually 3 yeard old, but that's how many candles Elizabeth wanted me to have on my cake... :)

And here are some extra photos of my bakers in action -


I've been oh-so spoilt by Phan once again this year... Phan got me a voucher for 10 massages at my favourite place MummaBubba... They have a lovely little creche there, so it means once a month I'll be able to go and have an hour or so of me time there... I actually went there to have a massage last week while Elizabeth was at kindy and put Catherine in the creche there for an hour... Catherine was fine... slept for half of the time she was there... and I just felt so relaxed and balanced afterwards, it was wonderful!

The other part of my present which I am soooo totally excited about is that Phan has been in touch with Sheye Rosemeyer about organising a family photoshoot for us!!! I had mentioned to Phan a couple of times that I'd love to have our family photos done by her before we move back to Adelaide and I was hoping to organise something next year when Catherine was 1. But with Sheye expecting her own little bundle of joy next year, we're probably going to have to bring that date forward a bit, but we'll sort out the details of that later... but I am soooo excited... Sheye is one of my photography idols and I just really can't wait to meet her and have our photos done by her!

And I'll finish here with a birthday photo of me and my 2 girls -


Photo A Day September - Day 2 (Part 1) - Time Is Ticking

Photo A Day September - Day 2 - Time Is Ticking

Because I have some family members who like to make my life difficult (that's you Phong!), I will be posting 2 photos today as part of the challenge... It's my birthday today, and Phong challenged me to take a non-birthday related photo for today... so I did... well there is an underlying message in this photo I guess related to my birthday... this photo sums up how I'm feeling today as I turn 32...

(For the photography inclined - this photo taken with my 100mm macro at f2.8 on the side of the bath...).

However I will be back later to post a birthday related pic for today... I know exactly what I'm taking a photo of too and I'm sooo looking forward to it! :)

Wednesday, September 1

Photo A Day September - Day 1 - Good Morning Spring

Good Morning Spring!

In a slight fit of madness, I challenged a friend of mine (hi Thao!) to do a photo-a-day for the month of September and promised her that I would do it with her to keep her company... I thought while I was at it, I might rope some of my other photography-inclined family and friends into doing the challenge with us and get some of our photography mojo going... So now we have 7 people doing the challenge... Nothing like having other people doing the challenge to remind you and keep the motivation up! (And you better believe it people... I will be prodding and reminding you all!)

So here's my submission for today - Miss Catherine first thing this morning in her cot... She was a super happy chappy... very smiley and still doing that tongue-poking out party trick! Must be the change of seasons that put her in a good mood... the beginning of Spring... the best season of the year... :)