Tuesday, February 9

Even Crocodiles Need Sunscreen

Even Crocodiles Need Sunscreen

Elizabeth is going through a funny role playing/imaginative games phase at the moment... she often pretends to be different animals (in this photo, taken on Saturday, that's her being a crocodile... and yes, that's sunscreen you see smeared all over her face... she applied that herself... good job huh?)... but the last couple of days she keeps saying "Mum, I'm a mermaid..." followed by "Hi Mum" and then if I reply with "Hi Elizabeth", she keeps on repeating "Mum, I'm a mermaid... Hi Mum!"... until I say "Hi Ariel" (from The Little Mermaid)... Then she's started designating roles for me to play... the most popular thing she likes me to be is a turtle... "Mum... you're a turtle... Hi Turtle!"... LMAO... It got a little ridiculous tonight when she said to me "Turtle, I want to get out of the bath."... "Turtle, I need to go to the toilet"... What the? I like being "Mum", not "Turtle"!

Another funny thing she said to me .... I was heating her dinner up the other night she goes to me "Mum... What's up?"... like it was normal conversation... (I had no idea what to say to her when she said that!)... She's said heaps of other hilarious things lately, but I can't remember them... I'll have to start jotting them down, because some of them have me in hysterics!

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