Saturday, January 30

Photo A Day - Day 30 - Iphone Junkie

Day 30 - Iphone Junkie

Phan's latest new toy, his iphone, has in actual fact become Beth's new toy... She loves it... thinks it's the best thing ever... She mostly likes to play educational games... there's a puzzle game and a tracing alphabet letters game that she adores playing... and then she likes listening to an interactive version of the Little Red Hen story and Old McDonald and Incy Wincy spider... And there are some drawing games that she thinks are pretty fun...

She also is pretty good at playing a free game called "Traffic Rush", which is highly addictive (I'm addicted... trying to beat Phan's high score at the moment)...

One more day of photo-a-day... I can't believe I've lasted this long!

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