Friday, January 15

Photo A Day - Day 15 - Dewdrop

Day 15 - Dewdrop

I had a massive computer drama today... My computer got infected with a backdoor virus which proved to be impossible to eradicate (resulted in a blue screen of death everytime I attempted to get rid of it), so I've been computer-less all day (which is not entirely a bad thing) and tonight Phan has been a Sheldon (LOL.... see the latest Big Bang Theory episode for the reference) and has spent his Friday night rebuilding my computer... It's all back now and I'm happy and dandy and we have now taken an image of my computer to prevent such dramas occuring again! Yeah, I know... must be all that porn I'm looking at... but I have a feeling it's actually one of the digi scrapping sites I've been looking at as I've been recently slowly getting back into it... That'll teach me...

Anyway... here's my photo for today, which is pretty close to being SOOC... I really like this one... it makes me feel so peaceful when I look at it ... (ha, if you only knew the reality of what it took to take this photo... but that's my secret... :))

1 comment:

Jen said...

beautiful photo :)