Friday, July 22

Photo A Day - July - Week 3

July 15 - Dad Did This To Me
Catherine dislikes trying to walk around in her one piece pajama jumpsuits... it's a hinderance, esp when she's trying to go fast (sometimes I think she's trying to run!). So Phan decided to fashion this funny little tail with the legs of her jumpsuit so she had her legs free to walk around as she wished... what a fashion statement...

July 15 - Dad Did This To Me

July 16 - My Husband Is A Car Mod-ing Maniac
Phan has turned into somewhat of a car-mod-ing hoon lately... he's pulled apart doors, done stuff under the bonnet... and his latest project involved changes to the audio, and required pulling out the passenger seat so he could install the amp... he's crazy... Even Elizabeth surveyed the miscellany of bits and pieces laid out on the garage floor and said to him - "Did you put down this plastic so you could put your toys on it?"... LOL... even she knows they are his toys.

July 16 - My Husband is a Car Mod-ing Maniac

July 17 - Best Friends Forever
Elizabeth and her best friend Claire...

July 17 - Best Friends Forever

July 18 - This is Phi Phi
We've had Phi come and stay with us this week and he spent a day at her kindy with her... when they asked her to introduce him to the class she simply said "This is my uncle. His name is Phi Phi."...

July 18 - This is Phi Phi

July 19 - Oops, Almost Forgot!
First time I've almost forgotten my photo for the day... this is what time it was when I realised!

July 19 - Oops, Almost Forgot

July 20 - Stepping Out
We spent some time at New Farm Park today and Elizabeth spent a lot of time walking over this suspension bridge to get to the slide.

July 20 - Stepping Out

July 21 - Our Toddler...
Our baby is growing up, as per yesterday's post... 14 months old... *sigh*...

July 21 - She's a Toddler Now...

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