Tuesday, October 12

I'm Going To Wear A Beautiful Dress And Daddy Is Going To Bride Me...

Wedding Dress Ups

I took these photos last week when the weather was gorgeous (unlike this week, where it has rained and rained and rained... actually our suburb recorded 200mm+ in the last 24 hours... crazy!)... We have rediscovered a piece of tulle in our dress up collection and Elizabeth has loved walking around with it as a veil... She has said some pretty funny things about getting married (Last week she and Catherine were going to get married), but today she said to me "I'm going to wear a beautiful dress and Daddy is going to bride me"... when I asked her for more details she said "I'm going to marry Daddy because I like him..."... LOL... she is such a Daddy's girl at the moment.

And for the benefit of Ong Ba who aren't on facebook, here's a video of the girls today... I just love seeing them interact together ... Elizabeth is so random with her singing, yet Catherine is totally enthralled by it all -

1 comment:

Sheye Rosemeyer said...

Beautiful photos and those gorgeous words! Make sure you write themdown Clara! xx