Monday, March 15

Our day.

Woke up 7:10am...
Dallied and had cuddles and snuggles for half an hour before getting out of bed.
Made bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Watched Playschool whilst eating a pink lady apple, fresh from Stanthorpe (yum!).
Made chocolate brownies.
Made chapati bread and had fun rolling it out flat... spread it with butter and cheese (yeah, we're totally authentic here) and ate it for lunch.
Did some drawing and colouring in.
No nap... (naps are going out of fashion again... She's only napped once in the last 7 days...)
Went to the pool to practise our swimming (highlight of Beth's day!).
Cooked spaghetti and had it with bolognaise sauce for afternoon tea. (She was a hungry, hungry hippo after swimming).
Played puzzles, more drawing and played pretend camping with toys.
Mummy loomed a rainbow sleeping bag for Flower Bear.
Had another pink lady apple (for dinner!).
Played hairdressers and pretend eating and drinking coffee at a cafe. (Don't know where she picked up the coffee drinking business since I don't drink coffee!)
Had a bath. A loooong bath... spent most of it washing cars with a wash cloth and spray bottle...
Happy to see Daddy at 6:45pm! (A long 13 hour day at work for Phan... poor Daddy.)
Played more hairdressers!
Almost fell asleep in front of Playschool with a bottle of milk, but Mummy kept being annoying to prevent that from happening.
Mummy finished looming a beautiful feather-y cocoon for the baby.. :)

And just wanted to share this little photo I took last week... Beth has a thing for flowers (yes, even weed flowers) at the moment, so I snapped her with this flower... excuse the fact she's a bit sweaty... it was a hot and humid day and she had been running around the backyard like a maniac!

Pretty Flower

Now this Mummy is totally beat... off to bed!

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