Tuesday, November 17

Cheers (Vietnamese Style)

Sorry for the delayed post... it was Beth's birthday yesterday, but I never actually got around to doing a post because all the planning for the party on the weekend caught up with me and I ended up going to bed early. And then tonight we had a 1.5 hour blackout due to some storm activity... only just got power back... but we spent a funny hour and half lying in the semi dark playing funny word games and laughing with Beth...

Photos are coming (Phan has built me a new super duper fast computer optimized for Photoshop CS4.. :)), but just to tide you over, here's a little video snippet of us at dinner last night for Beth's birthday... we are saying "Vo", which is Vietnamese for "Cheers"... :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

LOL! That's hilarious! She's such a funny girl....