Wednesday, September 10

Some tips about packing with an almost 2 year old...

I can fit in the fridge...
1. Don't leave the fridge open to air dry while your child is around.... It is more than likely that they will remove all the shelves from the fridge and do this:

2. Don't feed your child 10 tiny teddy biscuits in a one sitting in an attempt to amuse them and stop them from annoying you whilst you are wrapping glassware in newspaper... it will result in a *very* energetic child running around the house like a lunatic!

3. Don't let your child eat weetbix crumbs out of the cereal container... it will result in weetbix crumbs *everywhere* and you will waste time and energy having to vacuum up the mess.

4. Do let them wear clothes they can lift up so they can examine their belly button, like so:
Discovering Her Belly Button... Hello Belly Button!

It provides cheap entertainment for half an hour so you can do more packing...

5. Do have lots of patience on hand when your child decides to be helpful and unpacks the box you have just packed... you also need patience for when they start hanging off your leg and arm at inopportune times...
Unpacking the box mummy just packed...

6. Be prepared for your child to come and do adorable things to distract you and make you laugh so that packing doesn't feel like quite a chore... She tried to feed me crumbs of dried cereal (mmm... messy!) and dried prune off a spoon (cute, but I really didn't feel like prunes!)

7. Keep your camera handy to capture the above mentioned moments!

Packing with a small child can be slow work (and at times annoying!), but it can be quite amusing and fun too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These photos are classic!! She is so mischevious!!

